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MSA Booklet Engineers Australia

Migration Skills Assessment MSA Booklet Engineers Australia

Engineers you are seeking permanent residency in Australia can have your skills assessed using the Migration Skill Assessment/ MSA Booklet Engineers Australia. Engineers Australia, Australia’s most reputable engineering association, conducts the Migration Skill Assessment procedure for immigrant engineers.

Engineers’ aptitudes and abilities are measured using this framework based on your qualifications and work experience. Engineers Australia then conducts a Migration Skill Assessment to determine if the candidate’s competencies meet Australian job requirements. Let’s talk about the Migration Skill Assessment/ MSA Booklet and how it can help your report skills.

MSA Booklet Overview

The Migration Skill Assessment process follows a clearly specified procedure, thus providing you with a path to completing a positive skill assessment. You must bear in mind, however, that the Migration Skill Assessment procedure does not differentiate your abilities and cannot be used for employment purposes in Australia. It is the sole purpose of immigration. Engineers Australia (EA) provides the MSA Booklet version, which provides you with detailed understanding about the procedure.


You should read this booklet before applying for a skill assessment. The booklet covers everything from the fee to the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and CDR preparation steps, and it does so in plain English.


Engineers Australia’s MSA booklet is divided into four sections, each of which provides comprehensive details on the MSA procedure.


Section A

This section tells regarding how the skill assessment procedure is led by EA beginning with the details of fee, requirements, online process, assessment method and the evaluation’s result. Moreover, it’s mentioned in the booklet that you can submit a re-examination of your application in case they are not pleased with the result.


Section B

In this section, the information included is on how you can pick a route to your skills evaluation procedure.


Section C

This section explains how EA manages the ability assessment process, starting with the fee, criteria, online process, assessment system, and evaluation results. Furthermore, the booklet states that if an applicant is dissatisfied with the results, he or she may submit a re-examination of their application.


Section D

This section consists of the detailed information of Additional Assessment Services, for example, overseas Ph.D. Assessment and Fast Track.

Select your Assessment’s Accurate Pathway according to the Migration Skill Assessment (MSA) Booklet

  • The EA gives skill assessment’s 5 pathways to the candidates according to his/her level of qualification in particular as per MSA Booklet:
    1. 1. Accredited Australian Qualification
    1. 2. Washington Accord Qualification
    1. 3. Sydney Accord Qualification
    1. 4. Dublin Accord Qualification
    1. 5. Competency Demonstration Report (CDR)

The MSA skill evaluation booklet/MSA Booklet is a valuable tool for determining the correct course. Regardless, the qualification standard that determines which path of skill valuation the applicant should take is divided into two groups.

  1. 1. Accredited Qualifications
  2. 2. Non-Accredited Qualifications

The Accredited Qualification category includes the qualifications of Australian engineers and foreign engineers who have been recognized by legal contracts. Three agreements, in which EA is a cosigner, are as follows:

  1. 1. Washington Accord
  3. 2. Sydney Accord
  5. 3. Dublin Accord

Recognized competencies are assessed at the undergraduate of qualification.

Non-Accredited Qualifications is a category for applicants who do not have an accredited undergraduate or postgraduate standard of qualification. Candidates in this group must go through the CDR evaluation process.


Migration Australia

If you have non-accredited credentials you must obtain a CDR report to for Australia migration. It is written to demonstrate your  engineering knowledge and how that knowledge was applied in your engineering domain. The Competency Demonstration Report is designed for the occupation that you must choose from the list of skills given by EA in the MSA Booklet. As a result, the CDR report is evaluated in comparison to the Australian graduate requirements and ANZSCO’s definition of the occupation.

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