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    CDR Reviewing Services for Engineers Australia

    CDR Reviewing Service for Engineers Australia’s Migration Skills Assessment Process from CDRAustraliaMigration is one of the most highly demanded services in the domain of service relating to CDR. Once you have prepared your Continuing Professional Development (CPD), written all the three Career Episodes, and prepared a Summary Statement, you might feel confident about sending your CDR to the EA. However, more often than not, engineers turn up empty-handed when it comes to the results. Due to this, you might be asked to submit your CDR all over again, or else, be put into a different category for immigration. Even after editing and proofreading, you might want to have your CDR reviewed to be sure about the quality of your CDR and prevent rejection in any regard from Engineers Australia. Backed by our years of experience in preparing the CDR of thousands of clients, our team at CDR Australia Migration provides expert CDR Reviewing service to avoid rejection from Engineers Australia.



    There are many reasons why a CDR might get rejected by the EA. The reasons for CDR rejection include but are not only limited to the use of irregular tables, calculations, copying of text from pre-published resources and skipping minute details of the company, missing the project objectives, or misrepresenting the engineering activities in the career episode. While CDR Reviewing for our clients we pay attention to all these aspects and ensure that there are no stones left unturned to make your CDR of the highest level. Our highly experienced writers who have prepared numerous winning CDR Reports are ready to check your already prepared Career Episodes, Summary Statement, and Continuing Professional Documents (CPD) and provide you a CDR Review Report by the processes such as Plagiarism check & Removal and Proofreading & Editing.


    How Would Help In CDR Review?

    CDR Reviewing services from cdraustraliamigration

    CDR Australia Migration has provided CDR Reviewing Services over 250+ and has essentially provided these broad services:

    1. Ensuring the technicalities: As outlined above, there are many finer points that are required by Engineers Australia. Most often than not, these finer points are missed when the CDR is prepared by an inexperienced person. This leads to the rejection of the filed CDR by Engineers Australia. Therefore our team at CDR Australia Migration has the primary focus on checking the technical aspects of the CDR, as this is the most important criteria for deciding the outcome of your application to Engineers Australia.

    2. Plagiarism Check and Removal: Checking plagiarism is the easy part. We use Turnitin, the same software that Engineers Australia uses to detect any plagiarism. However, removing the plagiarized content from the CDR while essentially preserving its basic essence is the most challenging part. This task can only be achieved by the professionals like us at CDR Australia Migration who have been working in the domain of CDR preparation for more than five years.

    3. Proofreading and Editing: We also help our clients with proofreading (and then editing) the CDR. Therefore if you are unsure about the written quality of your CDR, we can help in that regard too.

    Why You Need CDR Reviewing Service?

    After you submit your CDR to Engineers Australia, they might reject it or ask you to edit and resubmit it or they might assess you for a lesser category than you were expecting. There are four categories in which the engineer can develop a CDR and submit it to the EA. They are Professional Engineers, Engineering Managers, Engineering associates,s and Engineering technologists. If the assessor finds any mistake in your CDR, you might be assessed and chosen as Engineering Technologist or Engineering Associate even if you have four years of Bachelor’s degree in Engineering. Once you get assessed in a different category, there might be chances that you might not make it into SOL or they might not call you for the immigration interview. Even if you migrate to Australia, you might not get the jobs according to your qualification. Hence, it is necessary that you get your CDR Reviewed by professionals. We, at CDR Australia Migration, would be extremely useful in reviewing your existing CDR against all its faults and provide you the CDR which would then be free of any errors, this would be extremely helpful for getting your assessment in the

    Reasons For CDR Rejection

    • ➝ Understanding that career episode is all about demonstrating how you as an individual have applied engineering abilities in the work. Therefore care must be taken that you show your contribution and use phrases like “I designed”, “I investigated” rather than the team effort. This is in-fact the most common mistake we see whenever we are carrying out a CDR Review.
    • ➝ Ensuring that each career episode highlights one competency unit and its subsequent elements in detail. A lot of times while reviewing CDRs, our team has observed that applicants try to cramp in too much in each career episode and they write CE points as bullet points and not in the paragraphs.
    • ➝ Another associated mistake (to the above point) which a lot of people do is putting in too many technical details (graphs, tables, calculations, photos, etc.) in the career episode. While the intention of doing so might be correct (to display technical prowess) but it causes a hindrance in assessing the contribution. Therefore fine balance needs to be maintained while writing career episodes.
    • ➝ Ensuring that you mention the methods you used for solving complex problems, tools and techniques you used in the projects, how you applied the design processes and your experience in the project management. A lot of times while reviewing CDRs, our team has observed that applicants fail to mention such things.
    • ➝ CPD (Continuing Professional Development) needs to be restricted to One A4 Size Page. Applicants often extend it to even 3 pages in order to include all certifications.
    • ➝ Word Limit needs to be strictly adhered to. For example – As per MSA (Migration Skills Assessment) booklet, career episodes need to be from 1000 – 2500 words.
    • ➝ Though not encountered that often but improper usage of grammar also pops up as one of the points worth taking a second look.
    • ➝ Last but not least, we have also encountered plagiarism a lot of times while reviewing CDRs. Trust us, there is no big deal breaker than plagiarism. There is absolutely ZERO percent tolerance level for plagiarism.

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