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CDR Sample for Materials Engineer

CDR Sample for Materials Engineer

You can get 100% genuine CDR Sample for Materials Engineer written by our professional and skilled engineering writers. The samples we provide are the report which has already been submitted and positively assessed by the Engineers Australia for Skilled Migration Visa. Please use the sample for reference purpose only and do not copy and paste from the sample.

CDR Report Sample: Materials Engineer

ANZSCO Code: 233112

CDR Sample for Materials Engineer includes all the necessary reports such as Three Career EpisodesContinuing Professional DevelopmentCurriculum Vitae and Summary Statement.The Content of the CDR Report Sample is as follows:
  • ➝ Curriculum Vitae: Resume based on a professional template.
  • ➝ Continuing Professional Development Sample: CPD Sample clearly explains the author’s  Engineering Knowledge- 1000 words.
  • ➝ Materials Engineer Career Episode Sample – 1: “Study of Electrochemical Reduction of Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) for the extraction of Titanium”- 2100 words.
  • ➝ Materials Engineer Career Episode Sample – 2: “Production of Nano particles and study of their magnetic properties”- 1890 words.
  • ➝ Materials Engineer Career Episode Sample – 3: “Fabrication and Analysis of Al 2219-Si Metal Matrix Composite”- 2300 words.
  • ➝ Materials Engineer Summary Statement Sample: Detail explanation of all the competency element- 3200 words.

Materials Engineer Career Episode Report: Sample 1

Project Name: Study of Electrochemical Reduction of Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) for the extraction of Titanium

In first career episode, the author describes the project he did when he was pursuing undergraduate degree in Bachelors of Metallurgical Engineering in his final year. The project’s name was “Study of Electrochemical Reduction of Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) for the extraction of Titanium”. The responsibilities of the author were:

  • ➝ To study the physical and chemical properties of Titanium
  • ➝ To research on the various methods of the reduction process of Titanium
  • ➝ To set up the experimental scheme for conducting the electrochemical reduction of TiO2
  • ➝ To research on the process of extraction of Titanium by electrochemical reduction of Titanium Dioxide being followed in DMRL
  • ➝ To continuously monitor the critical parameters during the experiments
  • ➝ To calculate the material balance for the production of 1Kg of Titanium
  • ➝ To calculate the theoretical DC requirement for the production of 1Kg of Titanium

Materials Engineer Career Episode Report: Sample 2

Project Name: Production of Nano particles and study of their magnetic properties

In second Career Episode, the author explains the engineering skills he used in the project he was involved in for the completion of his undergraduate degree in Metallurgical Engineering. His duties and responsibilities in the project “Production of Nano particles and study of their magnetic properties” were:


  • ➝ To study about different synthesis process of nano particles and select a feasible one among them
  • ➝ To perform chemical synthesis of nano particles using thermal decomposition method
  • ➝ To determine the phases of nano particles using XRD instrument
  • ➝ To perform Scanning electron microscopy, SEM experiment to determine size of Nano particles
  • ➝ To determine magnetic properties of synthesized nanoparticles using Vibrating sample magnetometer, (VSM) method
  • ➝ To perform energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) experiment to decide the composition and purity of the Nanomaterials

Materials Engineer Career Episode Report: Sample 3

  • Project Name: Fabrication and Analysis of Al 2219-Si Metal Matrix Composite

  • In third Career Episode, the author demonstrates his technical skills he used to complete the project he was involved in as an assignment project during his the bachelor’s degree in Metallurgical engineering. The Project was “Fabrication and Analysis of Al 2219-Si Metal Matrix Composite”. The Key responsibility of the writer was:

    • ➝  To perform literature review on metal matrix composites based on their production process, physical as well as mechanical properties
    • ➝  To select materials for the fabrication of the composites
    • ➝  To fabricate the composites using selected materials
    • ➝  To test the fabricated composites based on their mechanical and physical properties
    • ➝  To perform analysis of the test results

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